Day 1

DAY 1 of Crocodile Dock was a great time!
The kids learned some new songs, met some new friends, and experienced God in a new way!
When the kids hear the BIBLE POINT each day, they respond with a loud "FEAR NOT!"
BIBLE MEMORY BUDDY: Flash the Firefly
FLASH reminds us to shine our light because God is always with us!

In BIBLE BAYOU, the kids learned about the tough job God gave Moses when He spoke to Him in a burning bush! Our bush spoke to our kids today, reminding them that God never leaves us!

Some crews in BIBLE BAYOU got to talk about how Moses may have felt when he heard the bush speak! They talked about something they feared and how God can help them!

In SNACK SHACK, the crews enjoyed a "Burning Bush in a Bowl." This consisted of tortilla chips, lettuce, shredded cheese and a grape tomato. YUM!

Most of the kids LOVED the snack-but not the tomatoes :)

In CRAWFISH CRAFTS AND MISSIONS, the crews made prayer boxes to hold their Bible Memory Buddy Trading Cards-and their handwritten prayers!

In GATOR GAMES, the crews played CROCODILE CATCH, where one child was "it" and had to catch the other kids with their "alligator" (green bed sheets). Once they catch their crew members, they join them as being "it." This shows us that tough tasks are easier to accomplish when other people are helping-just like God led others to Moses to help him.

The kids loved being "it" in Crocodile Catch!

Crews decorated their prayer boxes with Crocodile Dock stickers and foam cut outs to make their box unique and special!

In BIBLE BAYOU, crews had to climb over the "mountain" to get to see the burning (and talking!) bush!

In DOCKSIDE DRIVE-IN, crews watched a clip of the adventures of "CHADDER," a curious chipmunk who is out to catch the "Monster Croc." Each segment ends with an exciting cliffhanger to keep the kids excited and engaged.

Each day, certain crews get to be in SPOTLIGHT DRAMA, where we take fun photos of the kids to be included in a slideshow to show at the end of camp each day.

Kids enjoy posing for photos in SPOTLIGHT DRAMA. By the end of camp, every child will be in at least one photo!


Each day the kids recite a special blessing for their snack before they eat and gather with their crew on picnic blankets!

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