DAY 3 of Crocodile Dock was quite a memorable experience!
We have heard tons of God sightings from kids of all ages! It's been amazing to see how God is touching their life this week!
When the kids hear the BIBLE POINT each day, they respond with a loud "FEAR NOT!"
BIBLE MEMORY BUDDY: Belle the Spoonbill
Belle has a long beak so she can eat food-God provides for us and takes care of us-exactly what He says He'll do!

In Bible Bayou, crews learned about Passover, and even got to experience it for themselves.

Crews have been adding God Sight lights to our Bayou Shack as they share how they saw God this week!

Some Snack Shack Helpers making some promise pizza!

The kids LOVED painting the door frames with red paint! As they did it, they prayed for their families.
Each child got a turn to paint the houses like the Israelites did during Passover.

Then the crews crawled inside their hut and had a crew discussion!
Some of the kids thought the music was a little sad, but in our discussion we talked about how scared the Israelites must have felt thinking about their families!

The kids enjoyed "Promise pizzas" today at the snack shack!

Most kids today LOVED this snack, and ate it much faster than the other ones!

Kids have been practicing serving one another as they go into the snack shack!

Snack time is a good time for the crews to get to know each other a little better!

Before they eat their snack, the snack is connected to the bible point and the Bible story of the day!

More crews in their huts!

Kids loved crawing under the tables!

They were all great listeners today in Bible Bayou!

In Gator Games, kids had to try not to get misted with spray bottles as they dodged their crew members!

I think the kids enjoyed themselves in Spotlight Drama today!

The crews are getting really good at yelling "FEAR NOT" after they hear today's Bible Point!
Crews have been applying Scripture verses to their life each day at camp!

Kids are making all kinds of friends, new and old, at Crocodile Dock!

Crews has to talk about a time when they made a promise today-and whether or not it was difficult to keep them!

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